
Can Almond Milk Cause Diarrhea? Here are the Facts

Almond milk has quickly become popular as a healthy alternative to regular milk.

It is a favorite for those intolerant to lactose as it can fulfill dairy requirements without one needing to consume dairy. It is also a great option for vegan recipes.

However, consuming too much of something isn’t always good.

The same is the case with almond milk. The milk contains large amounts of fiber and magnesium that can activate bowel movements, making them more frequent.

Can almond milk cause diarrhea? It definitely can if you consume enough. Health nuts need to exercise caution when consuming this milk.

Certain steps, if followed, can mitigate the effects of overconsumption and allow you to keep a balance.

Let’s find out how.


Can Too Much Almond Milk Cause Diarrhea?

It definitely does. It honestly depends on how much you can digest.

Some people have weak stomachs. They simply cannot digest almond milk the way others can.

Drinking large amounts of milk may lead to stomach allergies which cause diarrhea. (1)

Moreover, the magnesium and water quantities present in the drink can also lead to regular bowel movements. Make sure to substitute water with almond milk and avoid consuming more water.

Make sure you consult with your doctor before opting for almond milk. For some people, having two whole glasses of almond milk can trigger diarrhea.


Is Diarrhea from Almond Milk Normal?

It depends.

Diarrhea that is triggered by almond milk can have many underlying causes. The milk acts as a trigger to what is already present within your body.

Why can you not digest it the way other people can?

Regular checkups can eliminate issues within your bowel that may be causing diarrhea. Getting tested for allergies, not just to almonds but to other food, can determine if almond milk is the culprit.

Moreover, if consuming low amounts of almond milk also give you diarrhea, perhaps it’s time to reevaluate. Consult your doctor to figure out why your bowels are too weak to digest the milk.


Why Does Almond Milk Cause Diarrhea?

We have already established the fiber and magnesium that almond milk contains. These two are the main cause of probable diarrhea.

How do they work?

Dietary fiber can serve to increase the size of your stool and soften it at the same time.

Magnesium does the same. Large sizes of stools are easier to pass.

However, Fiber and Magnesium can overwork themselves if present in a large quantity. This leads to diarrhea.



Here are some steps you should take if you are experiencing diarrhea due to almond milk consumption.

  1. Stop having almond milk. If the milk is triggering your bowels, you need to stop drinking it until you find out the cause of the diarrhea.
  2. Drink a lot of liquids as these will reduce the chances of dehydration. Diarrhea can take a toll on one’s bowels and inner systems, and a lack of water within the body can exacerbate the illness.
  3. Try consuming food that is easy on the bowels. While recovering from the effects of the almond milk, make sure you do not aggravate your stomach further by consuming food that worsens your diarrhea.


The Secret Ingredient that Can be a Problem!

Almond milk has taken the vegan community by storm. However, processed almond milk can be a dangerous choice. We were taught to be wary of all manufactured items ever since we were young.

This was for a good reason.

Some manufacturers have been known to add Carrageenan to their almond milk, an ingredient taken from red seaweed.

This ingredient adds no real value to one’s diet and has been known to exist within organic and natural foods. It can lead to diarrhea and stomachache.

Here are some simple steps that you can take to avoid coming in contact with it.

  1. Try making your almond milk. Increased consumption of natural almond milk can reduce the negative effects of any additives or chemicals that may exist in manufactured items.
  2. Look for the labels. If you spend more time reading at the grocery store, you can avoid many additives that have a negative impact on your body. These additives may be causing distress and can easily be avoided by being more mindful.


Facts About Almond Milk

Almond milk is not all that bad. If consumed properly, it can lead to a lot of health benefits that can side-step the disadvantages of regular milk in the long run.

Here are some almond milk facts that you should know.


Almond Milk Nutrients

Here are some of the nutrients present in one cup of almond milk;

  1. 40 Calories: Compared to the 100 calories present in a cup of regular milk, 40 calories are not a lot. This explains the tendency of the health community to lean towards almond milk.
  2. 1 gram of Protein: Compared to regular milk, this may be a small number, yet considering the other benefits, Protein can be overlooked.
  3. 3 grams Fat: Regular milk and almond milk have around the same amount of fat present in one cup.
  4. 2 grams Carbs: There are 12 grams of carbohydrates present in a cup of regular milk. Almond milk allows you to drop down by 10 whole grams if you opt for it!
  5. 1 gram Sugar: There are about 13 grams of sugar in one cup of regular milk. Almond milk saves you from the added sugar that can hinder your ability to live a healthy life.


How Almond Milk is Made

You can make almond milk in a variety of different ways. It all depends on what you want to add to it in the last step. However, regular almond milk follows the same recipe for the most part.

  1. Soak a cup of almonds in water for one to two days. This will plump them up, allowing for creamier almond milk.
  2. Drain the almonds and discard the water. Remove their skin, if any, and check them by squeezing them to see if they have softened.
  3. Add almonds to a blender, along with two cups of water, and blend till the water turns milky white.
  4. Use a cheesecloth to squeeze the water out from the almond meal, and eventually separate the milk from the almond mixture.
  5. If you prefer sweetened almond milk, try using honey. We would recommend that you avoid using artificial sweeteners or sugar because these contain chemicals and additives that can serve to reduce the benefits of almond milk.


Almond Milk Benefits

  1. Almond milk is great for lactose-intolerants wanting to introduce some calcium to their diets.
  2. Almond milk can support weight loss as it has fewer calories and carbohydrates than regular milk.
  3. Almond milk is known for its nutrition value, specifically for the Vitamin E that it provides to the body. This gets rid of cancer-causing free radicals and can even improve heart health.
  4. Almond milk means a lot more options for the vegan-friendly community!


Frequently Asked Questions


Is Almond Milk Good for You?

Almond milk comes with a lot of benefits and can be great for you if you know your limits. Consult a doctor to make sure you do not have an allergy to almonds. Ease into almond milk, and avoid consuming too much at once.


Can Chocolate Almond Milk Cause Diarrhea?

Like all kinds of almond milk, Chocolate Almond Milk can also cause diarrhea.


Can Silk Almond Milk Cause Diarrhea?

Yes, Silk Almond Milk is a type of almond milk that can cause diarrhea.



Can almond milk cause diarrhea? Sure, it can! But it also comes with its own set of advantages that far outweigh the potential risks of consuming the milk.

Almond milk can only cause diarrhea if you are allergic to it or have had large amounts of it. Ease into the transition between regular milk and almond milk. Your body may miss the regular milk and take some time to get used to the new introduction.

Give your body time to adapt to change! Years of bad diets cannot be replaced by a cup of almond milk. However, slow and steady wins the race, and so will your body, in due time!


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