Mucus in Urine – Why it Happens and What To Do About It?

It is rather common for a person to have mucus in his or her urine.

Often, it is not due to any health problem.

However, an excessive amount of mucus in a person’s urine could indicate a possible problem such as an infection, immune system difficulties, reproductive system anomalies, and excretory system problems that may require treatment.



Urine under normal conditions varies in appearance due to the different hydration levels in a person’s body or other factors.

Normally, a person’s urine is transparent and its color varies from colorless to amber. Usually, it is a pale yellow. A healthy person’s urine color is determined by the amount of urobilin in the urine.

If a certain amount of yellowish, non-crystalline, gelatinous and viscous substance appears in your urine, you most likely have mucus threads in your urine.

This type substance can also appear in other parts of the body such as the large intestine or lungs. If mucus is in your urine, it may appear cloudy, and normal urine is transparent.

According to Inside the Clinic  symptoms vary and are dependent on what underlying factor is causing the condition.(1)

For instance, if an Irritable Bowel Syndrome is the cause of the mucus, the person will also experience other symptoms including bloating, stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation and bowel dysfunction.

If the cause is a STD, the person will experience additional symptoms such as urination that is painful, a foul discharge from the female genital organ or the male genital organ and discomfort with intercourse, etc.

A burning sensation when urinating and foul smelling urine are also symptoms of mucus in a person’s urine.


Noticeable Symptoms of a Urinary Tract Infection in Women Causing Mucus in Urine

Urine-related symptoms of an UTI in women includes the following:(2)

» Frequent and intolerable urge to urinate
» Urinating an insignificant amount frequently
» Burning sensation when urinating
» Urine is cloudy
» Pungent smell of urine
» The color of urine is pinkish or Cola indicating the presence of blood

Other symptoms may include:

» Pelvic region inflammation or pain
» Lower region of stomach cramps or pain
» Queasiness
» Malaise
» Vomiting
» Chills
» Fever

Women are believed to be more susceptible to developing an UTI than men are. Not only is a bladder related UTI painful, it can also lead to serious consequences if it should affect the kidneys.

For instance, if an UTI is untreated, it can affect the function of your kidney and damage the mucous membrane of the epithelium, according to BelMarra Health.(3) This results in the shedding of the epithelium into the urine as threads of mucus.



An UTI or Urinary Tract Infection

This health issue is often the result of a bacterial, urinary system infection.

The components of the urinary system include the kidneys, bladder, urethra and the ureters. Usually, the bacteria affects the urinary bladder first before spreading to other parts of your urinary system.

Pain when urinating is the most common urinary tract infection symptom.

Causes of Women’s Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections have many different factors leading to these infections:(4,5)

» A woman’s sexual partner has changed.
» Sexual intercourse is frequently vicious.
» Having more than one sexual partner
» Pregnancy
» Diabetes
» Staphylococcus infection
» Escherichia Coli Infection
» Using cleaners that are harsh products
» Dangerous Contraceptives
» Using medications for birth control
» Taking antibiotics frequently
» Tumors or harmless masses obstructing the urinary tract
» Previous UTI infection

Sexually Transmitted Diseases or STDs

Gonorrhea or Chlamydia infection is a bacterial infection in which the urethra removes mucus in a person’s urine. The urethra is a structure that is similar to a tube that enables urine elimination from a person’s body.

The urine of a person suffering from an STD is not clear and is also more yellowish and cloudy.

The yellowish color and cloudy appearance is due to mucus that has been discharged into the urine by way of the urethra.

A few days after exposure to the gonorrhea bacteria, a person suffering from this condition will experience an extreme burning sensation when urinating.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

A gastrointestinal condition that can lead to short-term damage to a person’s large intestine is an irritable bowel syndrome. An excessive amount of mucus is produced by the mucous membranes in a person’s intestine.

This mucus excess may sometimes travel down to a person’s urethra and be seen in the urine.

Kidney Stones

Patients suffering from kidney stones often have mucus in their urine and urine that is foul smelling. For that reason, mucus in a person’s urine is considered a symptom for possible kidney stones or other type obstructive conditions.

Cramps and stomach pain are also symptoms of these conditions.

Ulcerative Colitis

An abnormal amount of mucus is produced by an ulcerative colitis condition.(6,7)

This is a long-term condition in which inflammation and ulcers of the arteria rectalis and colon. A person suffering from ulcerative colitis will show symptoms such as a formation of ulcers as well as in inflammation of the mucous membrane.

The ulcers formed on the mucous membrane ooze a yellowish mucus that collects in the urethra and appears as mucus in the urine.

Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer causes an unrestricted cell growth in the urinary bladder.

This condition causes an abnormal output of urine. Tests of this rare form of cancer indicate the presence of mucus in a person’s urine when he or she is suffering from this disease.

The finding of mucus in a person’s urine can be a sign of bladder cancer.



Anyone who notices the presence of mucus in his or her urine should immediately seed medical attention.

This condition simply can’t be treated or remedied at home.

The treatment of mucus in your urine depends on the cause. In order to rectify the mucus problem, the underlying condition causing this must be cured and/or controlled.

In determining the underlying cause, your physician will ask about your medical history and also conduct a physical examination.

Next, your physician will order diagnostic tests such as a urine culture and urinalysis. The purpose of these tests is to check for an infection as well as determine the specific microorganism that is causing the mucus in your urine.


In cases of a urinary tract infection or sexually transmitted infections, the first mode of treatment is usually antibiotics such as amoxicillin or erythromycin.(1)

To completely cure these conditions, your physician will most likely prescribe a seven-day regimen of antibiotics.

Whether the infection is an STI or an UTI, an antibiotic should be prescribed by a physician. It is never advisable to treat oneself without consulting a physician.

In treating these infections, it is also recommended to drink a lot of water. Water will not only clean your urinary system, more importantly it will prevent dehydration which could cause the condition to worsen.

Sexual intercourse should also be avoided if mucus is in your urine. You should be sure a condom is used during sex. This is important to prevent passing the infection to your partner.

In any case, it is essential to consult with a physician.

Anti-Inflammatory Medications

Another of the causes of mucus in your urine is inflammation of the mucous membrane in your intestine due to ulcerative colitis.

Medications usually prescribed by physicians include sulfasalazine, corticosteroid, or melamine.(1)

These medications can either alleviate symptoms or control the condition.

Changes in Diet

If an Irritable Bowel Syndrome is the cause of the mucus in your urine, changes in your diet such as eliminating some foods and adding better choices will help to control the problem.(1)

In a case of IBS, the focus is to treat the symptoms. Avoiding gassy foods and carbonated beverages as well as following a diet plan that is health may give you relief from IBS symptoms.

Normal bowel function can be restored with anti-diarrhea drugs and/or fiber supplements. Control your IBS, and your urine may appear to be free of mucus.

Healthy dietary changes can also help to build up your immune system.(8) It is also helpful to avoid smoking and alcohol. Infection can be driven away by eating plenty of vegetables and fruits.(9,10)

Foods that can enhance your immune system include salads, green vegetables, oranges, apples and cranberries. Vitamins and fruit juices also help control infections.

Proper Hygiene

Cleanliness can help a person avoid catching urinary infections.

Keep your groin region and genital area clean. Cotton underwear is also best for allowing the area to breathe. The use of wipes also helps to avoid urinary tract infections.


In Conclusion

If it appears you have mucus threads in your urine, it is essential that you find the cause.

It is not a symptom to ignore, since it may signal of a serious condition. The first step to solving the problem is to find the underlying condition which might be an infection, difficulties of your immune system, excretory system problems, or reproductive system abnormalities.

The best way to do this is by consulting with your physician!

Follow these common sense steps:

1. You notice your urine is cloudy, deep yellow, pinkish or Cola colored and has a pungent smell.
2. Visit your physician. Only your physician can determine the cause. He or she will want to know your medical history as well as other symptoms such as pain and the location of the pain. He or she will conduct tests.
3. Follow your doctor recommendations based on the findings of tests.
4. Make healthy changes to your diet.
5. Drink plenty of water.
6. Follow proper hygiene.

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