
pH of Coconut Water: A Guide to Coconut Water Benefits

Most of us have suffered acid reflux. No matter their age, anyone may experience this unpleasant burning feeling, which, if left untreated, can lead to significant health problems.

Therefore, those who are particularly prone to GERD or acid reflux symptoms should restrict their intake of meals rich in acid.

Therefore, it’s critical to understand the acid pH level of most consumed dietary items. Is coconut water acidic, for instance? No!  A

lkalizing qualities in coconut water might assist your body fight acidity.

It’s a particularly beneficial beverage for those who suffer from acid reflux or heartburn since it reduces the amount of stomach acid that pushes back into the esophagus and calms the irritation.

Additionally, it has few calories but is packed with nutrients that might help you stay healthy.


What is the pH of Coconut Water?

Coconut water has a pH between 4.2 and 6.0 (1). It implies that this beverage isn’t acidic and may aid in reducing acid reflux and GERD symptoms.

Its alkalizing properties assist in restoring the body to its own natural form, lowering inflammation and safeguarding your digestive system.

Also, coconut water tastes delectable, making it simple to include in your diet.


Is Coconut Water Harmful to People Who Have GERD?

Since coconut water contains alkalizing qualities, it may assist in bringing our body’s pH balance from being too acidic to one that is more basic.

As a consequence, you may consume coconut water when you have GERD or acid reflux symptoms and anticipate that they will go away rather fast. But of course you sholud consult your doctor first!

Coconut water is low in calories, so it is safe to drink if you’re trying to lose weight and don’t have to worry about drinking too many calories (2).

Coconut water also has a low-fat content (2). Since fat slows down metabolism, more stomach acid builds up in the body.

If your digestion takes longer than usual to begin and acid builds up, it may start to come up into your esophagus and lead to unpleasant feelings.

Therefore, it’s beneficial to understand that coconut water may both relieve and prevent these symptoms from worsening.


Benefits of Coconut Water

There are many undeniable benefits of coconut water that you should not overlook. It can have significant benefits for your heart, blood sugar, weight, and more.

Let’s look at all the benefits that it can provide for you.


1. Offers A Reliable Supply of Vitamins, Minerals, And Electrolytes

Given that it only contains 45 calories and 11g of sugar per cup, coconut water is suitable for diets with minimal calorie and sugar intake (2).

And, it naturally contains a ton of electrolytes, such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and others.


2. Could Promote Post-Workout Recovery

Numerous electrolytes, such as potassium, sodium, and magnesium, are rich in coconut water. Coconut water could be a great asset if you’re working out and sweating, particularly in the heat.

Coconut water contains electrolytes that may assist maintain fluid balance, guard against dehydration, and even guarantee adequate muscular function (3). Of course, you’ll also need to make absolutely sure that you replenish post-workout with adequate carbs and protein.


3. Might Lessen Stroke and Blood Pressure Risk

A cup of coconut water contains higher potassium levels than a medium-sized banana, despite the fact that bananas are well-known for having high potassium levels.

According to research, potassium-rich foods may lower blood pressure and potentially prevent strokes, supporting heart health (4). When it pertains to promoting a healthy heart, pairing coconut water with some other potassium-rich items in your diet is optimal.


4. Might Encourage Healthy Skin

Flaky, dry, and tight skin may result from insufficient hydration. Coconut water may help you meet the daily hydration requirements, encouraging circulation and healthy-looking skin.

Vitamin C, which has a wealth of antioxidant benefits and naturally encourages the manufacture of collagen, is added to certain forms of coconut water. It may help keep the skin firm and looking youthful.


5. May Lower Consumption of Added Sugar

When you desire anything other than tap water, avoid the sodas and sweetened drinks and instead seek coconut water.

Contrary to drinks with additional sugar, coconut water typically has no added sugar (especially in unflavored varieties), making it an incredible option for those with diabetes or those trying to cut down on added sugar.

Choose simple, unflavored kinds of coconut water if you want a no-added-sugar alternative, and look for 100% coconut water that is not prepared from concentrate.


6. Could Assist in Rehydrating When Ill

Vomiting and diarrhea cause the body to lose a significant quantity of fluid. Coconut water is a better option than ordinary water in this situation for maintaining hydration levels and balancing electrolytes.

Some companies also add vitamins C and D to their coconut water, which may help the immune system even more.


7. May Help with Weight Control

You may be interested in learning whether coconut water aids in weight reduction. We all know that maintaining a healthy level of water is crucial for fueling all of your body’s cells and maximizing your metabolic rate.

Additionally, coconut water has far fewer calories than other drinks like soda and juice, even if it has fewer calories than regular water. Over the week, this simple substitution may help you reduce your calorie intake.


8. Might Alleviate a Hangover

Keep coconut water on hand in your refrigerator if a bit too much alcohol at happy hour leaves you feeling parched and fuzzy the following day.

It may help relieve your thirst and replace any electrolytes that taking shots may have taken away.


9. Rich in Antioxidants

Antioxidants included in coconut water work to counteract free radicals and oxidative stress.

The high-intensity antioxidants in coconut water were shown to help lower cholesterol indicators in rats, according to a research published in 2016 (5).


10. Benefits Blood Sugar

A person with diabetes may be able to better regulate their blood sugar levels by substituting unsweetened coconut water for sugary drinks.

Natural coconut water does, however, possess natural sugars, thus use may need to be restricted.

Researchers discovered that coconut water improved blood sugar management and decreased total blood sugar levels in a 2015 study using a rat-based model of diabetes (6).


11. Coconut Water Benefits the Skin

Coconut water may moisturize skin whether consumed or applied topically. Another research also showed that coconut water consumption protected rats from free radical injury (7). If it is true for people, the beverage may help slow the effects of aging. However, additional research is a must to prove this.

According to a 2017 study, coconut water may have an antibacterial impact, making it useful for treating acne when applied topically (8).


Is Coconut Milk Preferable Over Coconut Water for Acid Reflux?

Lactose – or dairy-free substitute for cow’s milk is coconut milk. If you already have acid reflux and ingest lactose despite being lactose intolerant, you will worsen the symptoms and put yourself through extra discomfort.

Therefore, consuming coconut milk (and other plant-based substitutes) is preferable to drinking traditional dairy milk.

Additionally, coconut milk is a healthier option for milk in either coffee or cereal since it contains fewer calories and lesser fat than other types of milk.

While eating too many calories might result in weight gain, a diet heavy in fat can decrease the efficiency of your metabolism and lead to an increased amount of acid in your stomach (9). So choosing coconut milk could be a wiser decision.


Does Consuming Coconut Cause Acid Reflux?

GERD and Acid reflux symptoms may be relieved by eating coconut or drinking coconut water or milk. Also, coconut has been shown to have several anti-septic and anti-infective qualities that aid in calming the stomach and lessen the acid in the stomach.

When incorporating coconut and food items manufactured from it into the diet, it’s crucial to pick unsweetened varieties. This is so that it can completely digest since sugar can slow down digestion and needs more acid to fasten it.

Therefore, goods made from unnaturally sweetened coconut may exacerbate your symptoms.

Nonetheless, some individuals may handle sweetened foods in moderation, so it’s important to always listen to your body.

Coconut water is a popular alkalizing beverage that may aid in your battle against the uncomfortable symptoms of GERD and acid reflux. It’s also ideal for folks with many gastrointestinal issues because of its high nutritional content and low-fat profile.

It’s also a great complement to keto, low-fat, and any other diet intended for weight reduction. Overall, coconut water is a superb beverage that has several health advantages.


Advice On How to Drink Coconut Water

When shopping for coconut water at your local grocery shops, there are a lot of possibilities, but it’s imperative to consider a few things before consuming it (10).

  • Go over the label. Choose products that are entirely made of coconut water and don’t include any extra preservatives or sugar.
  • Drink to increase hydration after exercise.
  • Enjoy at any hour of the day. Coconut water may be consumed with food or on an empty stomach.
  • Blend it with other beverages. Try mixing coconut water with sparkling water or using it in smoothies if you don’t like the flavor.
  • If you use ACE inhibitors or have chronic renal disease, you should exercise care since you must limit your potassium intake.
  • If you are expecting, stay away. Simply put, there isn’t enough data to say how coconut water impacts expectant mothers. Pregnant women must stay away from it to be on the safe side.


In Conclusion

The pH of coconut water is in the alkaline margin, which means it is an excellent solution for acidic reflux or GERD symptoms.

You must definitely consider incorporating it into your diet since it can be a great source of nutrition and essential minerals.

Further reading:


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