
Do People Eat Raw Chicken Livers? Is It Safe? (Important Facts!)

Raw meat consumption is not considered acceptable today.

But if we look back through time, we will find that it has been a common practice in traditional cultures for individuals to include raw chicken liver as part of their diets.

As it is said to have “anti-fatigue” properties, many people prefer to consume it in its raw form.


Cheap, But Is It Worth It?

The liver of a chicken can be purchased at a low cost and is readily available in any location.

People choose to consume it because it is readily available, low cost, and abundant in various nutrients, including iron, folate, and multiple vitamins and minerals.

On the other hand, consuming raw meat is generally discouraged because it raises the risk of various diseases, including hepatitis E, salmonella, and other bacteria responsible for food poisoning (1).


Nutritional Value of Chicken Liver

The term “superfood” is frequently applied to the chicken liver because it is loaded with all essential nutrients that are incredibly beneficial for the body. It contains a wide variety of nutrients, including vitamins A and B (2).

Vitamin A is beneficial in that it helps to preserve eye health (3). It is important to maintain the health of your eyes to keep the rest of your body in good shape.

In addition, it assists in enhancing your immune system, which is terrific for the maintenance of your health in general.

Additionally, chicken liver assists in the management and prevention of cardiovascular conditions.

The consumption of chicken liver helps reduce the risk of high cholesterol levels, strokes, heart diseases and  improves the functionality of vital organs such as the heart and kidneys (4).


Chicken Liver Has Multiple Nutrients

It is well known that chicken liver contains multiple nutrients; it is an excellent source of protein and a variety of fatty acids.

In addition, it is an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B12, copper, choline, and a wide variety of other essential nutrients (5).


Livers Are a Rich Source of Iron

The circulation and processing of blood are two of the liver’s most important roles in the body.

Compared to the toxins and impurities found in the blood, the liver can break down, balance, and mobilize drugs into forms that are much safer and easier for the rest of the body to use.

These forms, include livers, contain a high concentration of iron, a mineral found in excessive amounts in the blood (6).

In particular, the liver has a form of iron known as heme iron, a subtype of iron (7). Heme iron is ideal for playing a large role in the functionality of the immune system and the body’s combustion and metabolic processes (8).


The Rat Experiment

It wasn’t until 1951 that researchers discovered that eating chicken liver can make you more physically resilient.

Following this, they conducted additional research in which they placed rats in a water barrel and observed that the rats fed chicken liver could swim for a significantly longer period than the rats in the control group (9).

However, the significance of this experiment does overrule the fact that there is a considerable amount of difference between a rat’s and a human’s digestive system.


Is Chicken Liver Helpful When Trying to Lose Weight?

Chicken liver is a readily available food that is a food low in calories due to its relatively filling nature. The typical serving size of the chicken liver that has been cooked thoroughly contains 26 calories.

When trying to lose weight, fried foods are generally not recommended because of their negative effects on health; consequently, eating fried chicken liver is not recommended for this purpose.

As a result of the low number of calories it contains, it is an excellent choice for assisting in the process of weight loss.

A simple tablespoon of chicken liver contains almost 26 calories, 2 grams of protein, 2 grams of fat, 1 gram of carbohydrates, 0 grams of fiber, and 0 grams of sugar (5).

This makes chicken liver a motivating addition to weight loss diet plans because it contains all these nutrients in such a small amount.

Dietitians strongly recommend avoiding foods containing sugar, as they believe this is the most important factor in determining success in weight loss programs.

Even though one morrow of fried chicken liver can have as many as 180 calories, it is not recommended to consume it in this manner to lose weight.


Improves Dental Health

Consuming chicken liver will benefit many parts of your body, including your teeth, which will be grateful for the liver’s presence.

This food has an exceptionally high concentration of vitamin K2, a nutrient essential to the growth of healthy teeth.

A pioneer in the field of dentistry named Weston A. Price discovered that people in traditional societies who regularly consumed liver and other organ meats had stronger bones and teeth than people in modern communities who consumed a Western diet high in added sugars and processed foods (10).

Price’s findings were published in the journal Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. He contrasted these groups’ traditional diets with those of other groups, which consisted primarily of processed foods and added sugar.


Raw Chicken Liver is Harmful to Pregnant Women

As mentioned, chicken liver is widely regarded as a healthy food because it is exceptionally rich in various essential nutrients. Vitamin A is just one of the many essential nutrients that can be found in it.

It is, however, not recommended at all that a pregnant woman consume chicken liver because of the potential risks associated with doing so.

Consuming chicken liver during pregnancy is not recommended due to the very high level of vitamin A that is present in it (11).

It is recommended that pregnant women refrain from eating chicken liver, particularly chicken liver that has not been properly cooked or chicken liver that is raw.

If raw chicken liver that has been improperly cooked is served to anyone, not particularly pregnant women, there is a high risk that they will get food poisoning.

According to studies, campylobacters are bacteria that can cause severe illness and food poisoning if allowed to grow (12). This bacterium can be spread through consumption and improperly washing off a plate that has previously contained chicken liver and has not been properly cleaned.


Vitamin A Toxicity Is a Major Risk of Consuming Raw Chicken Liver

An unhealthy amount of anything can have negative effects on human beings. Regarding nutrients as beneficial to one’s health as vitamins and minerals.

The quantity of vitamin A found in chicken liver is relatively high.

Vitamin A is known to have multiple positive effects on one’s health; however, an excessive amount of vitamin A can lead to a condition known as “vitamin A Toxicity” (13).

Because the human liver is incapable of processing such a large quantity of vitamin A, the human body experiences difficulties in digestion and other bodily functions when consuming an excessive amount of vitamin A.


Safer Alternatives for Raw Chicken Liver

You can consume small amounts of raw chicken liver, but the overall experience can be improved by selecting grass-fed chicken liver rather than grain-fed chicken liver.

Consuming raw chicken liver in moderation can be safe but it is not recommended (14).

According to several studies, the liver from chickens fed on grass should be prioritized over the liver from chickens fed on grain. Cows and hens that are fed GMO as part of their diet and are treated with antibiotics significantly impact the overall quality and safety of the liver and other organs in the animal’s body.

This, as a result, makes it highly hazardous for humans to consume and incorporate into their diet. However, grass-fed animals and the livers of those animals can be consumed with a lower risk of adverse health effects.


In Conclusion

Consuming excessive quantities of anything is not recommended, but this is especially true for foods with high nutritional values.

But if you’re up for something nutritious to eat, chicken liver is a good choice; however, you shouldn’t consume too much of it because it can lead to several severe health problems, some of which can even be fatal.

If you are consuming chicken liver, raw or cooked (preferably cooked!), in a controlled amount, you will be good to go in every way possible and have nothing to worry about.

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How much raw chicken liver should you consume daily?

Adults can consume up to 300mg of raw liver daily; however, if you have high cholesterol, you should steer clear of raw chicken livers.


Does raw chicken liver taste bad?

Many people dislike the taste of raw chicken liver since it tastes metallic, harsh, and has a gamey flavor.


Can you get sick from eating raw chicken livers?

Chicken liver has a lot of nutrients. Raw liver contains bacteria that may cause food poisoning. Therefore, it is generally discouraged by official health authorities.


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