
Does Granola Make You Poop? (Surprising!)

You’ve probably observed that after eating certain foods, you must use the restroom more frequently. One of the reasons behind this is that some foods function as natural laxatives.

So, if you’ve ever wondered, does Granola make you poop after having to use the restroom several times after eating a Granola bar, you’re not alone.

Keep reading to find the answer to your concern.


Does Granola Make You Poop?

Granola is a rich source of insoluble and soluble fibers (1). When consumed in moderation, these fibers help add weight and increase the number of times you pass stool (2).

They also promote peristaltic activity in our intestines, allowing our body digest food quicker.

Thanks to Granola’s beneficial properties, many people who frequently have constipation use this nutritious food in their diets to reduce their suffering. Granola can also provide several health advantages when consumed in moderation.But, there are a few factors to keep in mind while consuming Granola to relieve constipation.


Things to Consider Before Consuming Granola to Relieve Constipation

Granola can assist with constipation and function as a digestive aid. To ensure Granola does not cause any problems, consider the following factors before consuming it.


Minimize the Fat

Some varieties of Granola could be high in saturated fats, and consuming too much fat can lead to severe medical conditions, including heart disease (3). Therefore, look for healthy Granola that contains unsaturated fats from nuts and other nutritional ingredients.

Keep in mind that healthy fats must be taken in moderation as well. So, pay attention to the amount of fat in your Granola and look for varieties with two to three grams of fat per one-fourth cup serving.


Be Mindful Of the Portion Size

You’ve probably heard the saying that too much of anything may be harmful.

Granola can cause diarrhea if consumed in large quantities (4). Therefore, when eating Granola, avoid eating a large bowl and treating it like a regular breakfast item. Instead, stick to eating 45 to 50 grams per day.

You can also add other healthy ingredients, such as fruits or oatmeal.


Consider the Sugar In Granola

Granola also contains sugar, particularly if you purchase Granola bars from grocery stores. Manufacturers typically use high fructose corn syrup to sweeten granola bars and make the Granola cling together to form bars. Companies may mislead you by calling these ingredients by other names, such as brown rice syrup or molasses.

According to USDA, your sugar intake should make up ten percent of your total daily calories, so if you eat 2000 calories per day, your sugar intake should not be more than 12 sugar teaspoons (5).

So, the next time you buy a granola-containing product, ensure it has no more than 8 grams of sugar in it if you want to limit your sugar intake.

You should always read food labels and ingredient lists since it is essential to be mindful of what ingredients are going into your food.


Keep an Eye on the Calories

One of the reasons why individuals enjoy eating Granola after working out is because it may be a great source of calories and boosts energy. A granola bar provides 471 calories per 100 grams. Additionally, the calories in your Granola can increase fast if you add more ingredients.

Therefore, tracking how many calories each meal and snack contains is advisable if you are on a healthy route and wish to consume a healthy calorie count. To lower the calorie content of Granola, you can also choose Granola prepared without any added sugar.


Consider the Type of Oil Used In Your Granola Bar

Many granola manufacturers use oils, including palm oil, which is high in saturated fats and potentially bad for your heart health. So, you should always look for granola brands that prioritize healthy ingredients and use healthy oil alternatives like organic coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil.


Scan the Ingredients

Companies have become clever over time and often hide unhealthy ingredients under long, difficult-to-pronounce labels, so we don’t pay too much attention to them. Some ingredients, such as inulin in Granola, may worsen your digestive problems. One of the techniques is to consider that if an ingredient’s name is excessively lengthy, it is almost certainly unhealthy.

Take the time to carefully read the labels of every food item you purchase to be sure you aren’t bringing something home that improves your health rather than harm it.


Will Granola Give Me Diarrhea?

While consuming fiber-rich meals in moderation can aid in maintaining a healthy digestive tract and preventing problems like constipation. Granola and other fiber-rich meals in excess might have the opposite effect and cause diarrhea.

Fiber aids in bringing water into the gastrointestinal system (6).

Your gastrointestinal tract may get dehydrated if you don’t get enough water into your system and are dehydrated. When this happens, passing stools becomes difficult and can even result in anus tears or bleeding.

To prevent getting diarrhea from eating Granola, consume it in moderation. Start by eating tiny amounts, then gradually increase your intake.


Health Benefits of Granola

In addition to easing constipation and regulating the digestive process, Granola has several possible health advantages. Listed below are health benefits you can enjoy by including Granola in your daily diet:

  • Balances blood sugar levels: Dried fruit, whole grains, seeds, and nuts are some of the healthy ingredients in Granola. According to research, these ingredients may help lower and regulate blood sugar levels, especially in those struggling with prediabetes and overweight individuals (7).
  • Rich in antioxidants: According to research, anti-inflammatory antioxidants, including quercetin, gallic acid, Vitamin E, and gallselenium, may be found in foods like coconut, chia seeds, and Brazil nuts present in Granola (8).
  • Boost gut health: Granola boosts levels of good gut bacteria, which aid in digestion and fight bad bacteria
  • Manage hypertension: Oats and flax seeds are common ingredients in Granola and are two foods high in fiber, which according to research, help decrease high blood pressure (9).
  • Lower Cholesterol levels: Beta-glucan is a kind of fiber found in oats that lower bad cholesterol levels, the main culprit behind heart disease.
  • Filling: If you eat homemade and healthier versions of Granola for breakfast, they will keep you full for more extended periods. You can also consume small amounts of Granola throughout the day to avoid consuming unhealthy snacks like chips, chocolate, or pretzels.


Drawbacks of Granola

Granola offers several health benefits but may also be rich in calories and loaded with extra sugars and unhealthy fats. Nut butter and vegetable oil are among the fats that companies may use to combine the components, enable toasting, and enhance the taste.

However, these may contain too many calories.

Overeating can result in weight gain, which raises your risk of obesity and metabolic disorders. The chance of developing several diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cavities, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and even some forms of cancer, may rise if you consume excess sugar.


How to Make Granola At Home?

Making Granola at home with nutritious ingredients and a restricted quantity of sugar is one of the most excellent methods to ensure it provides the most health benefits. Here is an easy granola recipe that you can try at home.


Step 1: What You Will Need

  • Half cup of oil (Granola oil, Olive oil, or any oil of your choice)
  • Half cup maple syrup or organic honey
  • Half tsp salt
  • Three cups of rolled oats
  • Two cups of sliced dried fruits like almonds and cashews
  • Half tsp ground cinnamon
  • Fruit and raisins


Step 2: Combine the Ingredients

  1. Preheat your oven to 300°F. You will need some parchment paper to line your baking sheet with it
  2. Add honey, salt, cinnamon, and oil to a bowl and mix well
  3. Add oats and dried fruits of your choice to the mixture
  4. Evenly layer the baking sheet with the mixture
  5. Bake the concoction for around twenty minutes until the Granola turns golden brown, and don’t forget to stir it midway
  6. Sprinkle your fruit of choice and Granola over the baking sheet
  7. Wait until the Granola comes to room temperature and store it in an airtight container

Pro tip: If you are on a gluten-free diet, you can use gluten-free oats to make homemade gluten-free Granola.



Now that you know the answer to ‘Does granola make you poop,’ including the many health benefits of Granola, head out and get the ingredients mentioned above to make homemade Granola.

However, remember the considerations in this article that you must take before consuming Granola to ensure that it doesn’t harm your health.

Please also check:



1. How Much Granola Should I Consume Daily?

You can consume Granola daily if you are mindful of the portion size. For adults, it is recommended not to consume more than 45 to 50 grams of Granola daily.


2. Should I Only Have Granola For Breakfast?

Most individuals consider Granola breakfast food. However, this mindset may be detrimental to your health. According to USDA, Granola is nothing less than a desert. The primary reason behind this is that the amount of sugar in Granola equals that of a chocolate cake.


3. Why Do People Consider Granola To Be Unhealthy?

Granola usually contains a lot of sugar, which gives it the sweet taste we all love. Most granolas sold in supermarkets have syrups, honey, or other sugary ingredients, and they frequently include dried fruit, which raises the sugar level. Hence, Granola can be unhealthy if consumed in large amounts and cause increased blood sugar levels and weight gain.


4. Which Is Better, Oats or Granola?

Oatmeal and Granola are both nutritious and healthy meals. Granola, on the other hand, is somewhat superior since it contains various healthful elements such as nuts and seeds.


5. Will Granola Benefit My Skin?

Granola can be beneficial for the skin and helps treat several skin problems. It can help combat acne by absorbing extra oil from your skin. Many skin treatments have Granola as it is excellent for dry skin and the purpose of exfoliating dead skin cells. Oats in Granola also contain saponins, which function as organic cleaners.


6. Does Granola Cause Gas In The Stomach?

Granola is rich in fiber ingredients, which may speed up digestion, and, if consumed in excess, cause loose stools and a gassy stomach. Additionally, some types of granolas also have sugar and alcohol contents in them that may cause gas.


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