Does Hummus Make You Poop? (Quickly Explained)

When paired with the right foods, hummus can be a delicious snack. All you need is some fresh bread, sticks of cucumber and carrot, a bowl of hummus, and a quiet afternoon.

Since hummus is prepared using chickpeas, it is great to consume in most diets. However, does hummus make you poop?

The truth is that hummus makes you poop. It is excellent for you and can help regulate your body in more ways than you can imagine.

It contains soluble and insoluble fiber, making it a wonderful food to have if you seek relief from constipation. The insoluble fiber present in hummus encourages bowel movement by adding bulk to the stool.

The soluble fiber, on the other hand, ensures that water reaches the stool so that it is bigger and softer, and passes through the intestine easily.

Here, we’ll cover the nutrients present in hummus, what makes it so great for constipation, and some additional benefits to encourage you to add it to your diet.


Does Hummus Make You Poop?

Hummus can increase your bowel movements and make them more regular. This is because the fiber content of hummus is relatively high, allowing you to become more regular with going to the bathroom (1).

The dietary fiber in hummus keeps your stool soft, so you do not have to struggle much while passing it. Simply put, hummus does make you poop more. It can help relieve symptoms of constipation by encouraging movement in the bowels.

Moreover, it helps unblock the digestive tract.


Why Does Hummus Make You Poop?

For healthy bowel movements, it is important to include some fiber in your diet. Doctors recommend starting your day by eating some fiber so that you feel energetic and your bowel movements are easier to pass during the day.

Like beans and oats, the fiber content of chickpeas is high. Chickpeas are used to make hummus, which increases the fiber content of this food, allowing your bowels to shift and pass regular movement. If you are constipated, hummus is a great meal to add to your diet.

However, if you don’t have constipation and are suffering from diarrhea, we would recommend that you avoid consuming hummus. If you have too much hummus in one sitting, you could suffer from diarrhea too.

Irritable bowel syndrome is another condition to be aware of that could be caused by consuming too much hummus. If you find that your stool for a certain day is already loose, we suggest skipping hummus at dinner, so it does not become looser.

Hummus ensures good bowel movement because of its fiber content. It is not much different from a bowl of beans or oatmeal, but anything consumed in excess is bad for your health.


Why Hummus is the Solution to Constipation

A cup of chickpeas is all you need to make your hummus, and you’ll be surprised to know how it can change your body!



Chickpeas are used to make hummus (2). Commonly also known as garbanzo beans, they are a part of the legume family. Chickpeas are loaded with soluble as well as insoluble fiber, which makes them great for your digestive system.

3.5 ounces of hummus contains 6 grams of fiber, which fulfills 24 percent of the recommended amount of fiber women should consume daily, while it fulfills 16 percent of the recommended amount for men. Since there is a high amount of fiber in hummus, it is great for individuals who often struggle with constipation.

According to a survey conducted in 2014, consuming hummus and chickpeas allowed a greater nutrient intake and ensured good diet control (3). Moreover, it also allowed adults to maintain a good weight and health. Hence, we can all agree that chickpeas and hummus make a great addition to any diet.


Soluble Fiber

Hummus is full of soluble fiber, which, when consumed, dissolves so that a gel is created. This gel allows easy digestion in the body. It also helps keep cholesterol levels balanced while ensuring that blood sugars do not rise or fall to an unhealthy level (4).

Moreover, the soluble fiber present in hummus also allows more water in your stool, so the waste can easily pass through your intestines.

Think back to the time you were constipated and spent a long, painful time in the bathroom. Consuming hummus helps ensure you can go about your business quickly and with ease.


Insoluble Fiber

Along with soluble fiber, hummus also contains some insoluble fiber, ensuring good bowel movements that bulk up the stool. The fiber ensures that the stool can move through the colon with ease so that you do not have to feel uncomfortable or constipated again.


Good Bacteria

While promoting good bowel movements, the fiber found in hummus also helps feed the good bacteria that are present in your gut.

According to a study, if you add 200 grams of chickpeas to your everyday diet for three weeks, it will encourage the growth of good bacteria known as bifidobacterial (5). It also ensures that bad bacteria do not grow in your cut.

The bacteria in your gut convert the fiber present in hummus to butyrate. This is a short-chain fatty acid that ensures that everything in your body is functioning well.

The fatty acid helps nourish the colon cells and ensures that your digestive health is good. According to some studies, butyrate helps lower the risk of colon cancer, making it great for your health (6).


Rich in Magnesium

Besides its fiber quantities, hummus is also loaded with minerals and vitamins. When it comes to making you poop and ensuring that you do not get constipated, magnesium is the most important mineral to consume. Magnesium helps the muscles in the intestine relax so you can easily pass stool.

Also, magnesium functions like an osmotic (7). It helps draw water to the bowels so that your stool is easier to pass.


Can Hummus Cause Diarrhea?

Generally, hummus does not cause diarrhea as long as you do not overdo it and eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But, everyone has a different body and digestive system, which means it affects people in different ways.

Here is what you need to know:

FODMAPs are a group of sugar alcohols and carbohydrates that are not easy to digest, especially for those individuals who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The small intestine cannot absorb them properly, causing diarrhea, gas, and bloating in the stomach.

Hence, individuals with IBS should lower their intake of foods that have higher quantities of FODMAPs. Hummus is one of these foods, meaning that if you suffer from IBS, you should not consume it too often; otherwise, you may end up in the bathroom.


High in Fiber

As mentioned in this article, hummus contains a lot of fiber. Fiber is essential to help your digestive system move, which is a wonderful thing for those suffering from constipation. However, remember that eating too much fiber can lead to diarrhea.

The logic is that fiber binds with water which helps ensure that you do not get constipated. If you consume too much fiber in one sitting, it can have a laxative effect on your body.


How Much Hummus Can be Consumed to Gain Relief from Constipation

Based on information from the American Heart Association Eating Plan, an adult who does not suffer from any illnesses or conditions should focus on consuming approximately 25 to 30 grams of dietary fiber every day (8). However, most people only end up consuming half of this amount.

If you are looking for constipation relief, you can add two tablespoons of hummus to a cup of broccoli, whole-wheat bread, or carrots.

This meal will help make up 5 to 7 grams of fiber, which is 17 to 28 percent of the total fiber you need in a day. Of course, you can eat more if you want, but you will also need to keep an eye out for other foods that you are incorporating into your diet that contain fiber.

The best way to include hummus in your diet is by pairing it with other foods rich in nutrients.

Vegetables like raw carrots, cucumbers, and broccoli pair well with hummus and can add extra 4 grams of fiber in a single serving. You can also eat your hummus with some whole-wheat pita which will help provide approximately 5 grams of fiber in a single serving.


How to Make Delicious Hummus at Home

Now that you have read the various benefits of including hummus in your diet, you probably want to know how it is made. Of course, you can also purchase store-bought hummus, but we would recommend that you make your hummus at home.

Here is a Middle Eastern recipe for hummus that is super quick and easy and will leave you coming back for more.


  • Chickpeas: 1 can
  • Olive oil: 2 tablespoons
  • Tahini: 3 tablespoons
  • Lemon: 1
  • Garlic clove: 1
  • Parsley: As needed


Step 1

Open the can of chickpeas and get rid of the liquid inside by pouring it down the drain. Then, take out all the chickpeas into a bowl and start peeling them.

Step 2

Put the peeled chickpeas in a blender. Add some olive oil, along with the garlic clove, tahini, and some parsley. Squeeze some lemon juice into the mix. Then, start blending till you have a smooth paste without any lumps.

If you want some additional flavor, feel free to add more lemon. You can also add some water to ensure the mixture is not too acidic or lumpy.

Step 3

Serve your hummus with whatever sides you want.

Final Thoughts

One cannot deny that hummus is a guilt-free snack that people love including in their diet or taking to their friends’ homes each time there is a party. It not only tastes scrumptious but is loaded with nutrients that can help relieve constipation.

All you‘ve to do is stick to the guidelines and consume it in moderation to ensure that you do not get sick!

Further reading: